Wednesday, 2 February 2011

January Lull

It has hard to get back into things in January. School holidays seemed to go on forever. I have, however, found lots of things to get excited about from my sofa. Here is the new Angie Lewin book which I bought for myself when Christmas present hints fell on deaf ears and I borrowed the Francis Walker from my lovely friends Pip and Euan.

Both are v. inspirational. Angie Lewin seems to find pattern and beauty everywhere. Next time my daughter runs up to me on the beach with a dog eared feather and some stones I must remember to look properly and not gingerly put them in my pocket and discreetly throw away.

Francis Walker's work is fabulously evocative of Scotland, I shall be digging out my watercolours and my waterproofs to have a go at some seascapes.

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